Moose must – Juniper cola

Vi har tagit fram Brunnebys mousserande Moose must- Juniper cola för att hedra vår svenska natur och älgen, vårt ståtliga nationaldjur. Med text på engelska på etiketten passar produkten bra för turistnäringen.

Sparkling Moose Must
Moose must is a tribute to the Swedish nature and the national animal – the moose. It’s the biggest deer in the world, and it can be found nearly all over the country. A moose weighs up to 600 kg and can stand over 2 m tall. The cow often gives birth to twins which are born in May. The bull get new antlers every year. A moose can live 20 years, but most pass away much earlier during the popular moose hunt or are eaten by wolves or bears. However, 5000 are killed in traffic each year. Take care and drive carefully!